When I worked as a professional E.M.T., I attended a number of trainings on how to deal with something called a "mass casualty incident". A mass casualty incident is an incident which, by its definition, overwhelms the resources at hand.
If there is one thing I have learned in my time at Bread & Roses, it is that poverty is a daily mass casualty incident.
As I leave Bread & Roses, there is one last thing I would like to say on behalf of the B&R community: Get involved. Get active. Volunteer. We all have the ability to make a difference in our community, and if we have the ability it is incumbent on us to use it. The homeless need you.
Additional comment:
Since most of you no doubt read the Olympian, I would like to offer some corrections to their horrendously innaccurate and destructive article published on the front page this morning.
First, we at Bread & Roses do not "live for free" AND make a "$600 stipend". We receive free room and board and a $200 stipend. After adding up our living expenses we figured our TOTAL income per person (including room and board) to be about the equivalent of $600 per month. So I promise you, no one is getting rich at Bread & Roses (though I'll tell you that if we did actually get a $600 stipend I would have gladly taken it and bought health insurance).
Secondly, no-one at the Guesthouse is "losing" their "housing". The Bread & Roses Women's Guesthouse is a transitional shelter with up to four women to a room. The average stay at the Guesthouse is about 3 months. We are doubling our efforts to help the women find housing, and we will see to it that they each have their own home within one month. Moving from a shelter bed in a shared room to having an actual home of one's own could hardly be called "losing housing".
The Olympian should be more careful with their words.
Hi Phil, I was just sending your blog's address to a former Olympian (K.Granger) who asked to be on our mailing list at Tacoma Catholic Worker. Had a clue from Bryce that changes were coming at B&R, but still felt like a WOW moment to read your post about leaving. Wishing you the very best, and glad you are continuing to write.
Grace & Peace, Laura Karlin
P.S. I've thought of your blog as a model! but hey, I already chose this same brown template before you switched over, so there's a coincidence! I'm lucky to pull one post together per month though so far. http://alleynotes.blogspot.com/
We met last winter at the B&R. I came down and stayed with you for a night during the Anarchy and Christianity confrence. I just found your blog from following a link on CatholicAnarchy.org I'm really sad to hear that you and Meta and Selena are all moving on but that seems to be what happens a lot with Catholic Worker communities. I was staying at the Toronto CW last summer when close to eleven people moved on at the same time. Is there still going to be a B&R? It's good to find you online though I wish it were under different circumstances.
Chris Rooney
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